Crucial Things to note for Everyone to Know Before Selling or Purchasing Gold

You shall have unused gold jewellery that you can sell to meet your financial needs. However, getting the required. gold sell price is not simple You must be aware of the market requisites, the real value of your gold, and find the right gold buyer for the best gold selling price.

Here are the crucial things you have to be aware for the transactionbefore the exchange of gold for cash:

1. Consider the best time to sell
Before selling the transaction of gold for cash, it is imperative to consider the position or state of your economy. For instance, when the demand for gold goes high, the prices will also exponentiated. Hence, if you can predict more difficult times, it would be wise to wait for the gold sell prices to rise and then do the transaction for your gold ornaments.

Further, the selling gold jewellery rate is incremented for several functions & events, specially during the wedding and most of the festive seasons because of the increase in imposition. You can use such opportunities to transact your gold for cash.

2. Determine the cost of your jewellery
Before selling your gold ornaments, you must find out how much you can get by providing them for sale. Find a reputed gold buyer to get the best gold jewellery. Also, you will have to ensure that your gold items are procured and hallmarked before giving them for cash. The benefit of knowing the exact weight and purity of your gold in karat is that you can bargain in order to get the best online gold rate. Visit Muthoot Gold Point to get a beneficial valuable gold cost that matches the current market rates.

3. Check for the required purity level
Another crucial factor you need to be careful of is making sure to check your gold for the closest value. A reliable way to authenticate the purity of your jewel is through the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) hallmarking procedure. A 22-carat gold that bears a hallmark of 916 indicates a good purity of a value close to 91.6%. It means that every 100 grams of your 22-carat gold constitutes 91.6 grams of pure gold content, which includes turn is very reliable as well.

You can undertake the Muthoot Gold centres to get your gold evaluated and properly examined. Your gold jewellery is thoroughly cleaned through an ultrasonic machine to remove the dirt extensively. The value, weight, and purity of your gold are determined on the XRF machine. After that, you can get a price equivalent to the current market price & value. The best part is that this process is done in front of you.

4. Find a trustworthy and reputable gold buyer 
It is imperative to find a trustworthy and reputable gold buyer to sell your gold valuables. You must ensure that your gold buyer has the license or certification to buy gold. When you visit a gold dealer, ask for their required authentication or documents providing their legitimacy, or you can check for online reviews and testimonials that offer great reviews into their reputation.

You can trust Muthoot Gold Point to get better than the best price for your valuables. It is one of the best buyers in India that ensures proper authority as well as authentication in the process of converting gold into cash.

5. Decide the ultimate price
To offer you a fair market price, your gold buyer will melt your unwanted gold jewellery in an induction furnace to separate the gold valuables from unnecessary impurities. The final gold jewellery price is determined based on the purity of gold and its weight. Keep in mind that the process of separating impurities can cost a minimal fee which adds to your final gold jewellery price.

The best way to sell your gold for cash is to find an authoentic gold dealer in the market. If you go through Muthoot Gold Point, gold gets processed through advanced testing methods right in front of you. It enables you to get a price that matches the current market price.

6. Where to sell
It can be a dominating task to find the best place to sell gold. But, it is crucial to find one. While looking for gold buyers, make sure to find a reputed and authorized gold buyer in the market to get a fair price for your gold jewellery. A golden piece of advice would be to opt for Muthoot Gold Point that offers a rate based on the current market rates. You can get up to Rs. 10K as cash, and if higher, it would instantly be transferred to your bank account.

Make sure that you carry your gold purchase invoice while going for the old gold sale to Muthoot Gold Point. Having an invoice bill reduces any conflict about the weight and value of the gold’s purity.


Selling your unwanted gold jewellery is the best way to secure funds for unexpected expenses like medical emergencies, education, weddings, etc. However, you must keep in mind the above-said points to make an informed decision while giving your gold for cash.

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